This is what happens when the photo I'm trying to upload won't work. I get frustrated, need to go act, and put any random image up.

As luck would have it, I’m filming the final episode of Coversity today in Maryland. I’d landed in NY from Burbank via stopover in Phoenix after burying my grandpa, and hopped on a bus to DC this morning where I was picked up and driven to the set in Rockville, Maryland.

Now, I’d grown up with certain things being romanticized. Such as film, LA (thanks mom), and…earthquakes. I’d heard countless stories of earthquake drills my mom had in school, where they would climb under their desks. In Israel, children do this out of fear form terror attacks. Here it’s from earthquakes.

I’d never felt one tho. My mom would always try to simulate that for me as a kid, shaking my chair according to the magnitude of the “earthquake.” But I’d still never felt one.

Well I feel special because today we felt one. Damn, that’s some rough sex right there! I think God was fucking his angels. Or just some random chic he picked up.

Now, normally I’d go on and on about how you shudda been there blah blah blah, but apparently they felt God fornicating up in NY as well.

But guess what suckas? A mile from the epicenter is where our set is. Luckily I found a computer, because of course the thing we idiots do after an earthquake is immediately turen to social networks and blogs to record our experiences.

Anyway I’m gonna get back to acting now.


PS. God, was she at least hot?

  1. BYGirl says:

    Well, thank Him for twitter, because otherwise I would have had NO idea what just happened there. Actually, for the first few seconds I thought something was malfunctioning in my body because I was vibrating and nothing else was.
    It was when my desk and drawers started tipping over that I jumped up and got the heck out of my room. To be buried underneath one’s own underwear is the most tragic of deaths.

    Still, good times! And we’re expecting another one in an hour or so, too.
    Yay! Adrenaline!

  2. BYGirl says:

    No one ever said malfunction can’t be pleasant.

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